Power & Embodied Consent for Psychedelic Practitioners
A powerful retreat in collaboration with Helena De Felice.
A powerful retreat in collaboration with Helena De Felice. Upcoming in The Holy Hour: An Anthology on Sex Work, Magic and the Divine from Working Girls Press. Honored to be included on this list full of so many brilliant peers. Restorative circles for those of us still living in the reality of the pandemic. Come grieve and create space for new life to emerge. Telling the story of my first healing journeys with iboga. Returning for another panel at Double Blind’s Psychedelics, Intimacy and Sex Summit 2.0 I got to share about meeting Sekhmet on Julian Vayne’s “My Magical Thing” YouTube series. In subtle and not-so-subtle ways, most psychedelic communities I’ve been a part of over the past thirteen years have deep issues around power, consent, and harm. I’ll be speaking at Psychedelic Science 2023 in Denver, in a panel discussion on Sex and Psychedelics: Weaving Altered States for Healing and Pleasure I’ll be giving a keynote based on my new work, “High on Power” looking at shifting dynamics of power, consent and harm in psychedelic spaces All whores are healers, if they choose to claim the name. A candid discussion with a panel of sexperts and psychonauts at Flolo Holistic. I started a Substack, looking at the latest Covid research with a harm reduction lens and musings on what psychedelic integration looks like in a pandemic. Excited to bring a multidimensional conversation on two of my favorite subjects to DoubleBlind next weekend! Got to speak to Eryn Johnson at the Living Open podcast about how working with Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent changed my life. Featuring my essay, “Evolving Consciousness or Bypassing Harm? Healing the Collective Shadow and Catalyzing Social Change in Psychedelic Spaces” Excited to delve in deep on this panel on Psychedelics and Sexuality at Catalyst Summit 2022! Ericka Mitton will open the workshop with a guided soundscape meditation, I’ll be talking about intentionally holding space for ourselves and our self-pleasure, and Nikolas Schulz will guide us with breath and an open heart. I’ll be in conversation with my brilliant peers Laura Mae Northrup and Leticia Brown about all the spiritual, political, and practical aspects of working with psychedelics and sex induced altered states and more. “Embodying the Social Change We Want to See: Navigating Consent, Power Dynamics and Harm in Psychedelic Spaces.” Very excited to announce I’ve been invited to I’ll be expressing my gratitude with a short keynote this Thank You Plant Medicine gathering. Western culture typically elevates the spirit above the body. It is no wonder that our society has trouble with the concept of “sacred sex” when I’ll be speaking on a panel on sex, porn and altered states. I’m honored to be part of this incredible lineup at the AltSex Conference 2020 in NYC, debuting my new talk, “Healing Through Whoredom: From Patriarchy to Embodiment”. I’m excited to join Mohawk Greene, Charley and Shelley Winingre, Colin Pugh and Nehemiah Markos for Sarah Rose Siskind’s “Sex and Psychedelics” edition of Drug Test at Caveat NYC. Friday 10/18/2019 Join Leia Friedman, Laura Northrup, Shailly Agnihotri, Gabrielle Burton-Hillon and myself for this all day class in NYC on October 11th. Two days exploring the Wheel of Consent with Corinne Diachuk and Britta Love. Learning and practicing embodied consent can change your life! I’ll be bringing a discussion of #MeToo to a symposium on thorny issues facing the psychedelic community. Somatic sex educator, writer and healer Britta Love brings a gentle touch as she explains how consensual contact can bring us back into our bodies. It was the height of English summer 2009 and I lay on the couch tripping on LSD in my partner Alex’s London flat… We cannot heal from the sexual violence endemic to patriarchy by using the violent patriarchal responses of control and punishment. Thank you to Frances Denny for capturing this for her Witches of America exhibition, featured in the New Yorker, CNN, and Vice Magazine The worlds of sex work and drug use would both benefit from a harm reductionist rather than prohibitionist model. Joe Moore interviews Britta Love about the overlap of sexuality and psychedelics, racism and patriarchy in the psychedelic community. Sex and drugs are two of the most powerful, immediate, accessible, and universal ways to experience “altered” states of consciousness. In the end, ibogaine was of no financial interest to anybody, and that’s mostly what this came down to. Britta Love talks to The Psychedologist Leia Friedman about somatic sex education, harm reduction, addiction, iboga, mindful masturbation and so much more. Although we don’t often hear about them, there are plenty of anthologies of sexual healers’ stories, for those who would seek them out. Is there any better symbol of what’s gone wrong in mainstream American culture than the success of Donald Trump? Where does this strange legend of a ruddy faced merry soul and his flying reindeer really come from? “Free Your Ass And Your Mind Will Follow”. Listen to Dimitri Mugianis in conversation with Britta Love and the title of this episode will make sense! The normalization of circumcision in the West is a relatively new phenomenon, originating in response to the hysteria around masturbation in Victorian times. Bonobos share the same percentage of our DNA as chimpanzees do. But while chimpanzee society is a “dominator” culture, bonobos demonstrate a “partnership” society.
Power & Embodied Consent for Psychedelic Practitioners
Dreaming the Revolutionary Sacred Whore: Doing the Work of the Goddex
Meet the Influential, Innovative, and Disruptive Women in Psychedelics
Cozy and Cautious: Navigating the Grief of Collective Denial
The Iboga Experience: Stories from the Sacred & Secret Plant that Saves, Heals and Transforms Lives
Psychedelics, Intimacy and Sex Summit 2.0
My Magical Thing
High on Power in Double Blind Magazine
Psychedelic Science 2023
Inaugural NYU Psychedelic Justice Symposium
Psychedelics, Intimacy and Sex Summit
Whores are Healers in Petit Mort Magazine
Sex Sensuality and Psychedelics at Psychedelic Sisterhood
Sex Drugs and Covid
Sex & Psychedelics Workshop
Living Open Podcast
2022 Breaking Convention “A Seismic Shift in Psychedelia” Anthology
Catalyst Summit 2022
Love Unconditional: A Self-Love Workshop
Sex & Drugs: A Conversation
The Sacred Erotic Podcast by Adam Bee
Speaking at the Psychedelic Psychotherapy Forum in October
Join me for a Thank You Plant Medicine Global Gathering event
Exploring Sacred Sex: The Body as Spirit
‘Pass the Porn: A Cinematic Social Experiment – Altered States’ at House of Yes, Jan 28 2020
Speaking at AltSex NYC Conference – May 1, 2020
Drug Test “Sex & Psychedelics” at Caveat NYC
Sexual Ethics in the Psychedelic Community at Horizons
Wheel of Consent Workshop
Speaking at Europe’s largest psychedelic conference!
Devin Person talks to Britta Love about Sexual Healing
Heal / Weave: Learning from Plant Medicine and Altered States
What Could a Conscious, Psychedelic #MeToo Look Like?
Major Arcana: Witches in America Portrait Series
10 Reasons to End Both the War on Drugs and the War on Sex Workers
Psychedelics Today Podcast
How Sex And Drugs Saved My Life (And Could Save The World)
Losing the Plant that Treats Addiction: The Strange History of the Ibogaine Movement in the United States
The Psychedologist Podcast
Sex Work and Sexual Healing: Modern Day Sexual Healers Speak
Why Does Our Society Celebrate Sociopathic, Narcissistic and Toxic Masculine Traits?
Santa and His Reindeer Were Tripping: So Have Yourself A Psychedelic Little Christmas
DMT Podcast
How Genital Mutilation became Standard Practice in the United States
Bonobos: Our Cousins Who Make Love Not War