Dreaming the Revolutionary Sacred Whore: Doing the Work of the Goddex
Upcoming in The Holy Hour: An Anthology on Sex Work, Magic and the Divine from Working Girls Press.
Upcoming in The Holy Hour: An Anthology on Sex Work, Magic and the Divine from Working Girls Press. In subtle and not-so-subtle ways, most psychedelic communities I’ve been a part of over the past thirteen years have deep issues around power, consent, and harm. All whores are healers, if they choose to claim the name. I started a Substack, looking at the latest Covid research with a harm reduction lens and musings on what psychedelic integration looks like in a pandemic. Featuring my essay, “Evolving Consciousness or Bypassing Harm? Healing the Collective Shadow and Catalyzing Social Change in Psychedelic Spaces” Western culture typically elevates the spirit above the body. It is no wonder that our society has trouble It was the height of English summer 2009 and I lay on the couch tripping on LSD in my partner Alex’s London flat… We cannot heal from the sexual violence endemic to patriarchy by using the violent patriarchal responses of control and punishment. The worlds of sex work and drug use would both benefit from a harm reductionist rather than prohibitionist model. Sex and drugs are two of the most powerful, immediate, accessible, and universal ways to experience “altered” states of consciousness. In the end, ibogaine was of no financial interest to anybody, and that’s mostly what this came down to. Although we don’t often hear about them, there are plenty of anthologies of sexual healers’ stories, for those who would seek them out. Is there any better symbol of what’s gone wrong in mainstream American culture than the success of Donald Trump? Where does this strange legend of a ruddy faced merry soul and his flying reindeer really come from? The normalization of circumcision in the West is a relatively new phenomenon, originating in response to the hysteria around masturbation in Victorian times. Bonobos share the same percentage of our DNA as chimpanzees do. But while chimpanzee society is a “dominator” culture, bonobos demonstrate a “partnership” society.
Dreaming the Revolutionary Sacred Whore: Doing the Work of the Goddex
High on Power in Double Blind Magazine
Whores are Healers in Petit Mort Magazine
Sex Drugs and Covid
2022 Breaking Convention “A Seismic Shift in Psychedelia” Anthology
Exploring Sacred Sex: The Body as Spirit
Heal / Weave: Learning from Plant Medicine and Altered States
What Could a Conscious, Psychedelic #MeToo Look Like?
10 Reasons to End Both the War on Drugs and the War on Sex Workers
How Sex And Drugs Saved My Life (And Could Save The World)
Losing the Plant that Treats Addiction: The Strange History of the Ibogaine Movement in the United States
Sex Work and Sexual Healing: Modern Day Sexual Healers Speak
Why Does Our Society Celebrate Sociopathic, Narcissistic and Toxic Masculine Traits?
Santa and His Reindeer Were Tripping: So Have Yourself A Psychedelic Little Christmas
How Genital Mutilation became Standard Practice in the United States
Bonobos: Our Cousins Who Make Love Not War