Media Press Honored to be included in list of The 75 Most Influential, Innovative and Disruptive Women in Psychedelics in DoubleBlind magazine Presentations “What Could a Conscious Psychedelic #MeToo look like?” presentation at Breaking Convention 2019 Podcasts/Radio With Eryn Johnson at the Living Open podcast about how working with Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent changed my life. Articles In Print Get your copy of The Holy Hour Anthology from Working Girls Press here: So glad to have contributed in the form of an interview to The Iboga Experience by Leo Van Veenendaal, available here My piece ‘Evolving Consciousness or Bypassing Harm? Healing the Collective Shadow and Catalysing Social Change in Psychedlic Spaces’ has been included in a collection of essays based on talks given at Breaking Convention 2019. The Alchemist’s Kitchen Zine: Sex Magic article in Season of Love issue Feb 2019 Contributor to ‘Teaching Transformation’ by Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg Photo Exhibition I was honored to be included in Frances F Denny’s ‘Major Arcana: Witches in America’ portrait series Interviews