Whores are Healers in Petit Mort Magazine
All whores are healers, if they choose to claim the name.

Semantrix Sessions: Sex Drugs & Consent
I so enjoyed this little dive into Sex, Drugs and Consent with the Semantrix Sessions and Alex Aldridge.

Sex Sensuality and Psychedelics at Psychedelic Sisterhood
A candid discussion with a panel of sexperts and psychonauts at Flolo Holistic.

Sex Drugs and Covid
I started a Substack, looking at the latest Covid research with a harm reduction lens and musings on what psychedelic integration looks like in a pandemic.

Sex & Psychedelics Workshop
Excited to bring a multidimensional conversation on two of my favorite subjects to DoubleBlind next weekend!

Living Open Podcast
Got to speak to Eryn Johnson at the Living Open podcast about how working with Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent changed my life.

2022 Breaking Convention “A Seismic Shift in Psychedelia” Anthology
Featuring my essay, “Evolving Consciousness or Bypassing Harm? Healing the Collective Shadow and Catalyzing Social Change in Psychedelic Spaces”

Catalyst Summit 2022
Excited to delve in deep on this panel on Psychedelics and Sexuality at Catalyst Summit 2022!

Love Unconditional: A Self-Love Workshop
Ericka Mitton will open the workshop with a guided soundscape meditation, I’ll be talking about intentionally holding space for ourselves and our self-pleasure, and Nikolas Schulz will guide us with breath and an open heart.